Smart IPTV is available on Samsung, LG, Sony and other Smart TVs. To install your subscription on it, follow these simple steps
PS: This application is free for a 7-day trial period, after which it will cost 5 euros for a 2-year validity.
1- After installing the app, please note the mac address that will be displayed on the home screen after launching the app, which will be in the form (xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx).
2- Go to the app’s website for configuration , under the “Delete playlist” tab, enter your mac address and press Delete.
3- Then, in the “Upload playlist Files or external playlist” tab, enter your Mac address and the m3u link for your subscription in the URL tab.
*** Restart your application and press 0 to load the channel list onto your TV in the Smart IPTV application.

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